How to make money as a graphic designer online

Make money online is simple, or it’s not to be simple if you don’t know the right way. It’s the age of online, so there are lots of earning process to achieve a good lifestyle, but in this article I describe you about how to make money online as a graphic designer. Graphic design, new word for you. But it’s a great way to generate handsome money. You earn more money if you develop your skill right way. The more you develop yourself you can earn.

What is graphic design

Graphic means an image made by pixel design mean your creativity, you express your thought in the form of your picture.

What needs to become a graphic designer

As a graphic designer you need to be learned some software like photoshop, CorelDRAW, Canva etc. only if you learn basic of this software you can start your work and earn money more you develop your skill more you generate. As a pro graphic designer you can generate more than 8–10 lakhs, but it’s depend on your learning how expert you’re in this field.

Scope of graphic design

There are numberless scope of job in this field, I discuss some of them for you

  1. as a represented-you work as a representor of the company .BCZ every company needs graphic designer to develop their company and discover social growth and make their business more so needs graphic designer who make their business more and generate more income for company and for it, he also paid by the company
  2. social media expert-you work as a social media expert and approach company through your work and generate income.
  3. make a linked .in profile-there are many companies there who needs graphic designer .you contact them and if they glad by your work you generate an income for your creativity.
  4. as a teacher-There are many institutes who need instructor to educate their students BCZ it’s a good subject to learn and have high demand so many students interested about this so you can work as an instructor and generate income.
  5. as a freelancer-you can offer your service through online. There are many platforms for freelancing like,, you don’t need money only create account in this field and there you make a strong portfolio and describe about your work. Give example of your work and attached some photograph of your work with your profile. In this place there are every type of client of every needs and if they happy to see your work then they definitely work with you and this way you also generate an amount. As a freelancer in this field, you can generate unlimited amount which help you to achieve your future desired luxurious lifestyle. But if you generate more income then you first have to focus on your learning skill bcz more you learn more you earn in this field there are more demands but don’t get more experienced expert worker if you’re expert in this field you generate money.
  6. offer offline services-It’s a great way to make money. There are more shop who need graphic designer to make their shop logo more attractive to get more people so you show them your work and if they interested they also offer you to make their work and by this way you also generate some income.
  7. fashion poster maker -It’s a great field who also needs graphic designer to make their brand more attractive and to get more customer and generate more income and also grow their business. So if you are expert in this field you show your work to them and if they interested they offer you to make work with them and by this way you also profit them and also profit yourself mean you generate big income. And if they glad of your work then they also hire you as their graphic designer monthly or yearly contract with a bigger amount.
  8. i provide you a video tutorial on it which help you more-


There are lots of work in this field, please focus is of your learning BCZ more you learn more you earn.

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